Currently, we do Sunday School for 8 weeks in the Fall and 8 weeks in the Spring. Below you’ll find info on this Spring’s Sunday School Classes. Notice the High School Students will be with the adults this semester- we do this every so often so youth will know adults better, so they know they belong to this covenant community and not just some subset of it.
Nursery is provided for kids younger than Kindergarten.
Sunday School Dates
February 26th 2023
March 5th 2023
March 12th 2023
March 19th 2023
March 26th 2023 (Brian subs Adult Class)
April 2nd 2023
April 9th 2023 (This is Easter, we will NOT meet this day)
April 16th 2023
April 23rd 2023
Adult Class
Who: Adults and College Students, High School Students, really anyone.
Location: Eames Conference Room (330 Poytnz Ave, 100 feet from Wareham)
Teacher: Toby Curto
Topic: The Lord’s Prayer
Youth Class
Who: Jr High: Grades 6th to 8th (High Schooler will join the Adult class)
Location: Flight Crew Conference Room (across from Wareham)
Teacher: Travis Shanahan
Children’s Class
Who: Kindergarten to 5th grade (ages 5-10)
Location: Worship Training Room (In Wareham)
Teacher: Amy Shanahan and Sarah Hinrichson
Curriculum: One Story Ministries: Investigating God’s Word I Samuel 16-31 Lessons 4-11