PCAnet.org - the Official website of our denomination The Presbyterian Church in America.

RUF - Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is the college ministry run by our denomination.

RUF at K-State - We are have a recently established RUF Campus Ministry at Kansas State University lead by Jon Dunning.


Churches in our Presbytery

These are other PCA churches we work alongside with to further the Gospel in Kansas.


Other Reformed Churches in the Area

Manhattan Reformed Presbyterian Church (fellow member of NAPARC) - Great group of people led by God-loving pastor Jonathan Haney.

 Serving in Manhattan 

Flint Hills Volunteer Center - Directory of organizations who need volunteers in and around Manhattan.



HoughFamilyBlog - Just a family blog of Pastor Brian and his wife Laura.

The Aquila Report - Independent news in evangelical world.

Challies.com - Features book reviews and other "church" information.


Useful Sites

Monergism - Directory links to all sorts of Theological articles for study.

YouVersion - Silly name, but very well laid out website that features about every translation of the Bible you can think of.


Useful Apps 

YouVersion Bible App - Many translations and great reading plans built in.

Olive Tree Bible Reader - Great for digital Bible reading, you can purchase Study Bibles and other tools.

Scripture Typer - Great app for memorizing verses, three ways to help you do so easily and then to review later.