Sermon 522: True Worship (Psalms 134)

Today’s Bulletin


I. True Worship (Psalm 134)

Psalm 134

Come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who stand by night in the house of the LORD! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD! May the LORD bless you from Zion, he who made heaven and earth!

Sermon Discussion questions
True WOrship: Psalm 134

Ice Breaker: What non Bible/notes app are you most tempted to use during worship?

This Week Specific

  1. The sermon emphasizes that worship is primarily about glorifying God, not about what we get out of it personally. How can you prepare your heart before corporate worship to make it more God-centered and focused on adoring Him?

  2. What emotions or affections do you typically experience during worship services? How can you cultivate deeper feelings of awe, reverence, and joy towards God during times of worship?

  3. Pastor Brian encourages using physical expressions like lifting hands as a way to engage mind and body in worship. What helps you become more fully engaged in worshipping God with your whole being?

  4. Psalm 134 presents worship as something that should happen day and night. How can you make the daily worship of God more of a priority and practice in your life?

  5. John Piper is quoted saying we shouldn't "replace Christ this summer with trifles." What trifles or distractions tend to pull your focus away from Christ during the summer months? How can you intentionally "seek the things that are above" this summer?

Weekly Questions

  1. What stood out to you/challenged you most in this sermon?

  2. What’s one area you feel the Lord wants to grow you into more Christ likeness?

  3. How can this group pray for you this week?